CIO Whitepaper: Data architecture and strategy in the AI era

Discover the blueprint for success in the AI era

The rapid ascent of generative artificial intelligence (gen AI ) from laboratory projects to corporate imperatives in barely one year has driven home to business and IT leaders the importance of unlocking the hidden value of data.

Unifying data across platforms and taming its complexity presents technical hurdles. Still, it is also a strategic springboard for AI adoption, according to a Foundry CIO survey of more than 600 IT decision-makers in North America, EMEA, and APAC.

Read this whitepaper to:

  • Learn more about how modern data architectures are essential for AI-driven innovation
  • Gain insights on how hybrid data platforms are preferred for better flexibility and control
  • Understand the importance of unified data management, with seamless data platforms that accelerate AI adoption

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